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Creating Websites That Connect With Your Audience

Web Odyssey

Websites today are a lot more than just some images and text highlighting a product or service. I work with small businesses and individuals to create a website that uses current web design techniques to connect with your audience.

Is it time to rethink your website and optimize it for today’s audience? Are you thinking about creating a new website?

rethink your website graphic


Is it time to update the look or optimize your website? Does your website still bring in most of your leads, if not it may be time to update your site?

Brand Identity

Having a brand builds a strong customer bond. Customers depend on the experience of trust and service built over time with your brand.


How people search is a large contributor to the success of your website. By optimizing SEO you can capture the phrases people use and drive traffic to your site.


Patience and ranking. Most people expect a page to load in 2 seconds and will leave if it hasn’t loaded in 3 seconds, leading to high bounce rates. Google ranks pages higher which have been optimized for speed.


Analytics provide the best snapshot of how people are interacting with your website. It shows how people arrive at your site, what pages they are looking at and who’s visiting.

Topical Authority

Showing that your website is an authority on a subject makes it topical. Then adding backlinks to other websites that can offer users additional information increases your SEO performance and searchability.



All websites are designed to connect with your audience. We incorporate a responsive design with speed and continuity. Developing your brand and implementing SEO and analytics.


WooCommerce is the leading plugin for E-Commerce needs. We will help you set up the backend and build a store that is easy for your customers to use.

Events Calendar

Do you have events you want to share with your audience? Would you like to sell tickets to events? Web Odyssey can set up an interactive calendar with maps, and ticket purchases.


Web Odyssey provides training so clients feel comfortable writing posts, changing images, using SEO, and E-Commerce.

Website Maintenance

Don’t have time to update plugins, no problem. We offer a reasonable maintenance plan that keeps your site up to date and running smoothly.  

On Site SEO

We use the leading SEO plugin to manage your SEO needs. It is easy to use and is proven to get results.

Speed Optimization

Google has said that page speed does affect search position, and even more so when looking at mobile devices. We use several methods to bring page speed times down.


Google Analytics provides comprehensive information about your website. We implement this on all websites.

Latest Work

Vine Ripe Nutrition Recipe index
Umber the Prussian Blue home page
Staggs Chiropractic home page

Let’s Start Something new
Say Hello!

Send me some information about the website you want to create, whether it is a landing page, a full site with all the bells and whistles, or a small site. I would love to talk to you.

Web Odyssey, LLC

Pamela Keene, Owner
Email: Web Odyssey
Phone: 520.971.1591

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